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Solar Lighting


Solera: Top 5 Things to Consider When Buying Off-Grid Solar Lighting

As solar lighting manufacturers (Solera), we’ve learned what customers want and need to know about solar fixtures. We picked our top five findings about off-grid solar lights to share with you.

SEPCO: The Ultimate Guide to LED Solar Street Lights

LED solar street lights are a great way to provide lighting to a street, roadway or highway without trenching in traditional grid power. As a result, solar LED street lights can lower installation costs, reduce the need for tons of wiring, and reduce the maintenance and project costs over the system's life.

Solera: Pros & “Need-To-Knows” of Off-Grid Solar Lighting

It is exciting to finally have solar panel, battery and LED technologies advanced enough to allow for all-in-one solar lighting fixtures. As with any new technology, there are both pros & need-to-know requirements that you must understand as you make your off-grid solar lighting purchase.

Solera: Hybrid Solar – Performance Expectations

Hybrid LED area lights that use both solar and line voltage power, are just now hitting the market. This technology is so new that UL had to create a new lighting category when it certified the Solera Hybrid 365 fixture manufactured by Light Efficient Design.

SEPCO: How HOAs & Communities Use Commercial Solar Lighting Systems

Many homes are now installing solar on their roofs to help cut down individual costs and environmental impact. Many homeowners associations are currently looking for more ways to go green and save money as a community.